Monster Legends Wiki
Monster Legends Wiki
Monster Legends Wiki

Legends tell of the greatest monster in the world, a mythical muscled beast with unpierceable fur and gigantic claws! Perhaps that isn't Bonbon, she is just a tribute, she tries her hardest to be scary though.

Stats and Information[]

At the monster's highest level at each rank:

25 Power 25 Life 25 Speed 25 Stamina
30 1,785 12,946 2,040 120
30 1,890 14,713 2,160 120
30 1,995 16,594 2,280 120
30 2,100 18,589 {2,400 120
30 2,205 20,698 2,520 120
30 2,415 25,258 2,760 120
Trait(s) Icono oro Max GPM
30 Energized: 20% extra stamina 154
30 Energized: 20% extra stamina 169
30 Energized: 20% extra stamina 184
30 Energized: 20% extra stamina 200
30 Energized: 20% extra stamina 215
30 Energized: 20% extra stamina 231
Book(s) Relic(s) Role
Beginner TrapTrap Control
20 Price 20 Exp 20 Sell 20 Breed 20 Hatch
120 1,440 3,750 15m 15m



+ Thunder Eagle

(30% chance)

+ ThunderMagic (30% chance)
Thunder Eagle

+ NatureEarth (30% chance)

+ any Thunder (15% chance)
Thunder Eagle

+ any Earth (15% chance)
EarthThunder + EarthThunder (15% chance)
any Earth + any Thunder (7.5% chance)


Earth Healthy Minerals
Multiple Allies Warm Up -
Damage 0 Accuracy 120
Stamina Cost - Cooldown -
Shield: Absorbs incoming damage equal to 40% of monster's total life until depleted (2 turns) Regeneration: Heals 20% of Life each turn (3 turns)
Physical Huge Claws
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 100
Stamina Cost 13 Cooldown 0
Thunder Lightning Storm
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 37 Cooldown 2

Group 1
Earth Earthquake
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 37 Cooldown 2
Group 1
Earth Sand Tornado
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 40 Accuracy 90
Stamina Cost 40 Cooldown 1
Blind: Accuracy reduced by 50% (2 turns)
Group 1
Thunder Lightning
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 30 Accuracy 96
Stamina Cost 15 Cooldown 0

Group 2
Earth Core Shatter
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 37 Cooldown 2
Group 2
Thunder Wrath of Thor
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 37 Cooldown 2
Group 2
Nature Great Metabolism
Single Ally Warm Up 0
Damage 0 Accuracy 100
Stamina Cost 16 Cooldown 1
Regeneration: Heals 20% of Life each turn (3 turns) Healing: Heals monster by 25% of his total life

Group 3
Thunder Thunder God
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 60 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 30 Cooldown 2
Group 3
Earth Rocks Shower
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 70 Accuracy 90
Stamina Cost 35 Cooldown 1
Group 3
Physical Shutdown
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 0 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 46 Cooldown 3
Stun: Monster loses its next turn (1 turn)


Old Design

Bonbon 3

Bonbon 2

Bonbon 1

Bonbon 0

Bonbon_3.png|Adult Bonbon_2.png|Juvenile Bonbon_1.png|Baby



  • Design may have been inspired by the electric character from the Street Fighter franchise, Blanka.
  • Description mentions that she is a tribute to the greatest monster in the world. This is a reference to some of the lyrics of the song, "Tribute" by Tenacious D.