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Monster Legends Wiki

Join the Bounty Hunt with other players and flip tiles to find the Fugitive. While you're on it, you'll find juicy rewards! Once you've found this elusive monster, you and the rest of the players will have limited time to join forces and defeat it! In this event, you'll be able to collect Cells of a new monsters. Urchinion is a Water Controller with Cold Blood, Freeze, Drowned and Boiling skills. However, the Fugitive keeping those Cells won't be easy to bring down. Need help from a Bounty Hunter? Klawax is available in an exclusive offer: He's a Fire and Thunder Attacker with Guard Down, Guard Down Hater, Bleeding and Ignite skills. He can also deal Triple Damage against this Season's Fugitive!


Players are placed onto a map with other random players who flip tiles. Flipped tiles will reveal rewards, the Fugitive monster, or nothing. If the tile is empty, it may display an arrow pointing toward a tile containing a reward or the Fugitive (explained below). Higher leagues have larger maps with more tiles.


Flipping tiles and attacking the Fugitive costs stamina. Players regenerate 1 stamina point every 30 minutes and have a cap of 5 stamina, but it will refill at the start of a new map. If a player has more than 5 stamina when the round ends, they will keep that stamina for the next round. Players can refill their stamina at a rate of 5 gems per stamina point, or purchase larger stamina packs with gems in the Era Shop (when a Bounty Hunt event is active). It costs 1 stamina per tile flip or boss attack, regardless of league.


The direction of the arrow does NOT point directly toward the reward, it only informs players that the reward is simply to the top, left, bottom, or right of that tile's location. The gallery below visualizes how the arrows function with the star representing the location of the reward:

Once the reward has been found by a player, the arrows will disappear and new arrows will point to a new reward.

Lucky Shot[]

Flipping tiles can uncover Lucky Shots. A Lucky Shot will contain a reward granted to the player who flipped the tile but will not erase or generate new arrows. Any tile can contain a Lucky Shot and arrows do not point towards them. They contain the same reward bags and provide the same rewards as reward tiles.

Reward Tiles[]

Rewards can be gold, food, monster cells, gems, bounty hunt stamina or special items known as Bounty Coins. These can be used in the Era Shop (when a Bounty Hunt event is active) to acquire different monster cells. Reward bags are classified as low, medium, or high rewards and their contents are dependent on the League.

League Gold Food Mythic cells Bounty Coin
League 1 50,000 12,000 5x Hydraka cellsCell-m5x 5x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m5x 25
League 2 55,000 15,000 5x Hydraka cellsCell-m5x 5x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m5x 25
League 3 65,000 20,000 7x Hydraka cellsCell-m7x 7x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m7x 50
League 4 80,000 35,000 7x Hydraka cellsCell-m7x 7x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m7x 50
League 5 100,000 50,000 10x Hydraka cellsCell-m10x 10x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m10x 75
League 6 150,000 75,000 10x Hydraka cellsCell-m10x 10x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m10x 75
League 7 200,000 100,000 15x Hydraka cellsCell-m15x 15x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m15x 75
League 8 200,000 100,000 15x Hydraka cellsCell-m15x 15x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m15x 75

League Gold Food Mythic cells Bounty Coin Stamina Gems
League 1 65,000 20,000 5x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m5x 5x Hidrorion cellsCell-m5x 50 0 1
League 2 80,000 35,000 5x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m5x 5x Hidrorion cellsCell-m5x 50 1 1
League 3 100,000 50,000 7x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m7x 7x Hidrorion cellsCell-m7x 75 1 2
League 4 150,000 75,000 7x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m7x 7x Hidrorion cellsCell-m7x 75 1 2
League 5 200,000 100,000 10x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m10x 10x Hidrorion cellsCell-m10x 100 2 3
League 6 250,000 125,000 10x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m10x 10x Hidrorion cellsCell-m10x 100 2 3
League 7 300,000 150,000 15x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m15x 15x Hidrorion cellsCell-m15x 100 2 5
League 8 300,000 150,000 15x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m15x 15x Hidrorion cellsCell-m15x 100 2 5

League Gold Food Mythic cells Bounty Coin Stamina Gems
League 1 80,000 35,000 5x Firefool cellsCell-m5x 5x Oswald cellsCell-m5x 75 0 2
League 2 100,000 50,000 5x Firefool cellsCell-m5x 5x Oswald cellsCell-m5x 75 1 2
League 3 150,000 75,000 7x Firefool cellsCell-m7x 7x Oswald cellsCell-m7x 100 1 3
League 4 200,000 100,000 7x Firefool cellsCell-m7x 7x Oswald cellsCell-m7x 100 2 3
League 5 250,000 125,000 10x Firefool cellsCell-m10x 10x Oswald cellsCell-m10x 125 2 5
League 6 300,000 150,000 10x Firefool cellsCell-m10x 10x Oswald cellsCell-m10x 125 3 5
League 7 400,000 200,000 15x Firefool cellsCell-m15x 15x Oswald cellsCell-m15x 125 3 10
League 8 400,000 200,000 15x Firefool cellsCell-m15x 15x Oswald cellsCell-m15x 125 3 10


The Fugitive will not enter the map until enough have been flipped. After the Fugitive enters the map, he could hide under any tile! Once a player finds the Fugitive, all players can attack to earn points.

The Fugitive will stay only for a limited period. It must be found and defeated within this time period. If the fugitive is defeated, players will be granted completion rewards according to their participation in the current Map. Otherwise, there won’t be completion rewards.

Fugitive battles are automatic and last 3 rounds (displayed below the turns indicator). The Fugitive will attack at the end of each round and the battle will finish either if the Fugitive is defeated, the player's team is defeated, or the rounds are all completed.

Players will receive a popup with their battle results after the battle. If they manage to be the player defeating the Fugitive, they will get a bonus reward.

All Fugitive monsters' skills have no stamina costs and no cooldowns (meaning stamina drain and cooldowns activated skills are ineffective). Additionally, they are immune to sudden death, immune to death countdown, immune to life removal by percentage, immune to possession, take very reduced damage from tortures and have anticipation and trait protection. They also can't be healed (meaning reverse healing is also ineffective). Each Fugitive monster also has its own stats and traits.

Fugitive Element Additional Traits League
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Daedalus 2
Petrified Dragon
Earth Tough: All status effects have 35% less accuracy against it Status Caster - Area Quicksands: Inflicts Earth damage equal to 15% of its total life each turn (4 turns) Life Won't appear 400M 720M 1,120M 1,440M Won't appear
Strength Won't appear 12,610 12,610 16,740 16,740
Axolmech 2
Techno Beserk
Nature Artifact: Artifacts are not alive. Immune to all Status Effects. Status Caster - Area Burn: Inflicts Fire damage equal to 15% of its total life each turn (3 turns) Life 3.2M 24M 48M 240M 560M 1,040M 1,200M Won't appear
Strength 3,500 5,270 7,500 14,266 16,640 22,280 22,280
Blumeria 2
Haunted Nature
Light Dodge Area: Will evade all area skills Status Caster - Area Poison: Inflicts Nature damage equal to 10% of its total life each turn and reduces its power by 20% (4 turns) Life 2.4M 16M 48M 288M 528M 960M 1,160M Won't appear
Strength 5,270 7,270 9,270 16,740 14,266 20,176 20,176
Calamedic 2
Sea Calamity
Water Hardened: All status effects have 20% less accuracy against it Status Caster - Area Stamina Leak: Removes 15% Stamina each turn (3 turns) Life 4.8M 40M 72M 352M 592M 1,000M 1,280M Won't appear
Strength 5,270 7,270 9,270 16,740 14,266 20,176 20,176
Hydraka 2
Infernal Crab
Fire Immune_to_Control (Trait) Status Caster - Area Drowned: Deals low Water damage. Removes 15% of Stamina each turn Life 1.6M 12.8M 40M 192M 480M 800M 960M Won't appear
Strength 7,128 9,128 10,128 18,290 16,740 22,280 22,280
Warmaster Ragnarok 3
Boss Ragnarok
Special Original Warmaster Trait Status Caster - Area Random Negative Effect Life Won't appear 1,600M
Strength Won't appear 24,620

There are rewards given for flipping the tile that contains the fugitive, as well as attacking the fugitive and defeating the fugitive. These are gems and bounty coins, with higher amounts given in higher leagues. Milestone rewards are given to the person that causes damage beyond a certain milestone, those being 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of the fugitive's life.

League Flip Reward Attack Reward Milestone Rewards Defeat Reward
20% 40% 60% 80%
League 1 50x Bounty Coins50x 10 Gems x10 5x Bounty Coins5x1x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m1x 5x Urchinion cellsCell-m5x 5x Urchinion cellsCell-m5x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 100x Bounty Coins100x 25 Gems x25
League 2 75x Bounty Coins75x 10 Gems x10 5x Bounty Coins5x 1x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m1x 5x Urchinion cellsCell-m5x 5x Urchinion cellsCell-m5x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 100x Bounty Coins100x 25 Gems x25
League 3 100x Bounty Coins100x 10 Gems x10 10x Bounty Coins10x 2x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m2x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 150x Bounty Coins150x 25 Gems x25
League 4 125x Bounty Coins125x 25 Gems x25 10x Bounty Coins10x 2x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m2x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 150x Bounty Coins150x 50 Gems x50
League 5 150x Bounty Coins150x 25 Gems x25 25x Bounty Coins25x 3x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m3x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 150x Bounty Coins150x 50 Gems x50
League 6 200x Bounty Coins200x 25 Gems x25 25x Bounty Coins25x 3x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m3x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 300x Bounty Coins300x 50 Gems x50
League 7 250x Bounty Coins250x 50 Gems x50 25x Bounty Coins25x 5x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m5x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 300x Bounty Coins300x 75 Gems x75
League 8 250x Bounty Coins250x 50 Gems x50 25x Bounty Coins25x 5x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m5x 5x Oswald cellsCell-m5x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 300x Bounty Coins300x 75 Gems x75


Bounty Points are given for most activities within Bounty Hunt. These include flipping tiles, finding reward bags, finding the Fugitive, damaging the Fugitive, and defeating the Fugitive. All activities give a fixed number of Bounty Points, except damaging the Fugitive which will give points based on the damage done.

Players appear in the leaderboard within their group in order of Bounty Points achieved. The higher a player appears, the more rewards they will get if the Fugitive is defeated. Points are reset after each hunt.

Activity Bounty Points
Flipping a tile 5
Finding a low reward 50
Finding a medium reward 100
Finding a high reward 150
Finding the Fugitive 200
Defeating the Fugitive 500

With the new Bounty Hunt update, all the players can move up a league without being in a top place in the leaderboard.

League Promoted
League 1 1st-10th
League 2 1st-10th
League 3 1st-10th
League 4 1st-10th
League 5 1st-10th
League 6 1st-10th
League 7 1st-10th

Leaderboard Rewards[]

Leaderboard rewards are only given if the Fugitive Monster is defeated and the rewards are given based on a player's position on the leaderboard. These rewards require at least 15 Bounty Points to be earned.

League 1 1st-6th 7th-8th 9th-10th
10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 150x Bounty Coins150x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 50x Bounty Coins50x 5x Urchinion cellsCell-m5x 25x Bounty Coins25x
League 2 1st-5th 6th-8th 9th-10th
20x Urchinion cellsCell-m20x 250x Bounty Coins250x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 50x Bounty Coins50x 7x Urchinion cellsCell-m7x 25x Bounty Coins25x
League 3 1st-4th 5th-7th 8th-10th
30x Urchinion cellsCell-m30x 400x Bounty Coins400x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 75x Bounty Coins75x 10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 50x Bounty Coins50x
League 4 1st-3rd 4th-6th 7th-10th
45x Urchinion cellsCell-m45x 600x Bounty Coins600x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 75x Bounty Coins75x 12x Urchinion cellsCell-m12x 50x Bounty Coins50x
League 5 1st-3rd 4th-6th 7th-10th
60x Urchinion cellsCell-m60x 800x Bounty Coins800x 17x Urchinion cellsCell-m17x 100x Bounty Coins100x 15x Urchinion cellsCell-m15x 75x Bounty Coins75x
League 6 1st-2nd 3rd-5th 6th-10th
100x Urchinion cellsCell-m100x 1000x Bounty Coins1000x 20x Urchinion cellsCell-m20x 100x Bounty Coins100x 17x Urchinion cellsCell-m17x 75x Bounty Coins75x
League 7 1st-2nd 3rd-5th 6th-10th
150x Urchinion cellsCell-m150x 1500x Bounty Coins1500x 25x Urchinion cellsCell-m25x 150x Bounty Coins150x 20x Urchinion cellsCell-m20x 100x Bounty Coins100x
League 8 1st-2nd 3rd-5th 6th-10th
150x Urchinion cellsCell-m150x 150x Oswald cellsCell-m150x 1500x Bounty Coins1500x 25x Urchinion cellsCell-m25x 25x Oswald cellsCell-m25x 150x Bounty Coins150x 20x Urchinion cellsCell-m20x25x Oswald cellsCell-m25x 100x Bounty Coins100x

Bounty Hunt Section of the Era Shop[]

The Era Shop (when a Bounty Hunt event is active) offers a way to exchange Bounty Coins from monster cells, purchase Bounty Coins for money, or purchase Bounty Stamina for gems. The monsters offered are the same monsters acquired in other rewards throughout the event(or previous events). Cells can be bought in packs of 10. The Bounty Hunt Section of the Era Shop will be open for a while after the event is over and Bounty Coins will disappear when the event ends.

Cells Cost
10x Urchinion cellsCell-m10x 250x Bounty Coins250x
10x Dreadrock cellsCell-m10x 270x Bounty Coins270x
10x Duke Shrimpwader cellsCell-m10x 220x Bounty Coins220x
10x Firefool cellsCell-m10x 220x Bounty Coins220x
10x Oswald cellsCell-m10x 220x Bounty Coins220x
10x Hidrorion cellsCell-m10x 190x Bounty Coins190x
10x Jaeger Yearend cellsCell-m10x 190x Bounty Coins190x
10x Hydraka cellsCell-m10x 160x Bounty Coins160x
10x Dro-Bonaut cellsCell-m10x 160x Bounty Coins160x

