Would you dare enter the rather unorthodox Monster Lab of Dr. Viktor?
Through his experiments, discover how to extract monster cells from monsters and use them to rank up identical ones, as well as how to craft brand new monster eggs from cells.
The Lab[]
The Monster Lab is available to players once they reach level 20. Once repaired, the lab can be upgraded which increases the maximum rank of monsters that can be obtained, by one rank each level. However, upgrades can't be initiated for the building while it is processing cells, by either crafting a monster, extracting one's cells, or by ranking one up, and an error message appears if this is attempted.
Monster Cells[]
Monster cells are pieces of monsters used to craft or upgrade other monsters of the same kind. There are as many different kinds of monster cells as there are monsters in the game!
Elemental cells can replace the missing monster cells of any non-Mythic monster of a specific element you want to craft or rank up. Elementium can be used to replace the missing monster cells of any non-Mythic monster cell of any element. As elemental cells and Elementium are very valuable, they cannot be donated in Team Chat.
Players can request or donate monster cells to teammates using the Team Chat. Donating cells will grant XP, gold, and War Coins to the donator.
The number of cells a player can receive/donate is restricted by their player level and the rarity of the cells requested:
Warmaster cells may not be requested or donated in the Team Chat, but Forsaken, Elite, Nemesis, VIP, and legendary Halloween Exclusive cells may be requested or donated like most other legendary monster cells, as well as Mythic cells.
Dr. Viktor is always on the lookout for new Monster Cells. Visit his Shop regularly to discover new selections of monster cells available for purchase.
The shop is where players may purchase cells. The selection rotates every 12 hours. Most cells cost but rare monsters may be purchased for when available. The purchase price increases with subsequent purchases. Sales are a regular occurrence where cells may be purchased at a discounted price or more cells may be purchased at a time.
You can earn monster cells as rewards throughout the game, and also extract them directly from a monster. But be careful, that monster will disappear completely in the process!
- See also: Extracting Cells
Rank Up[]
Each type of monster cell can be used to rank up monsters of the same kind.
Ranked-up monsters can level up beyond their natural maximum level, thus becoming stronger, faster, and more resilient than their peers!
- See also: Ranking Up
Once you have collected 100 monster cells, you can place them into a crafting pod to create a brand new egg. You can use elementium or elemental cells to replace most missing monster cells. Warmasters, Forsaken (and Lord Pumpseed), and mythic monsters may not be crafted using elementium or elemental cells.
Crafting takes time. Once an egg is crafted, it will be placed in the hatchery.
All the cells you own are stored in this place. You can have a look at your collection at any time!
In order to extract, rank up, or craft monsters, an available pod must be used. The first pod for each type of operation is always free, but the other three pods must be rented for . Each hour that the pod must be active for to complete the operation increases the cost of renting by 1 .