Nemesis monsters are powerful, unique monsters. All Nemesis monsters have a special skills group that becomes available once the monster reaches Rank 4. Like most legendary monsters, Nemesis monster cells may be requested or traded in the team chat and they can be crafted and ranked up using elementium and elemental cells.
There is one Nemesis monster for each element and two additional variants of each of those monsters (for a total of 27 Nemesis monsters). The variants have different stats and a few different skills. The first variant of the monster has skills with the element that it is weak against. For example, the first variant of the dark Nemesis monster has light skills. The second variant of the monster has skills with the element that the first variant is weak against. Continuing the example, the second variant of the dark Nemesis monster has metal skills.
In the storyline of Monster Legends, each main nemesis monster is an enemy of one of the generals (General Nishant, General Ingvar).
See all Nemesis monsters.