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Monster Legends Wiki

Obsidia are closely related to Gorilla. Twice as fierce, and rocking a killer hairstyle, these agents of chaos are not to be trifled with!

Stats and Information[]

At the monster's highest level at each rank:

25 Power 25 Life 25 Speed 25 Stamina
30 1,540 6,795 1,540 110
30 1,650 7,958 1,649 110
30 1,760 9,213 1,760 110
30 1,870 10,561 1,870 110
30 1,980 12,003 1,980 110
30 2,200 15,165 2,200 110
Trait(s) Icono oro Max GPM
30 Immune to Daze 62
30 Immune to Daze 68
30 Immune to Daze 74
30 Immune to Daze 80
30 Immune to Daze 86
30 Immune to Daze 93
Book(s) Relic(s) Role
No Book Essence Support
20 Price 20 Exp 20 Sell 20 Breed 20 Hatch
90 2,520 300 7m 30s 7m 30s



+ Tyrannoking

(70% chance)

+ DarkMagic (70% chance)

+ EarthWater (70% chance)

+ any Dark (35% chance)

+ any Earth (35% chance)
EarthDark + EarthDark (35% chance)
any Earth + any Dark (17.5% chance)


Earth Strength of Ages
Self Warm Up -
Damage 0 Accuracy 120
Stamina Cost - Cooldown -
Double Life: Monster has Double Life (2 turns) Taunt: Monster will receive all single-target attacks (2 turns)
Physical Telepunch
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 100
Stamina Cost 13 Cooldown 0
Dark Nightmare
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 37 Cooldown 2

Group 1
Earth Earthquake
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 25 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 37 Cooldown 2
Group 1
Earth Boulder Cage
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 30 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 25 Cooldown 0
Group 1
Dark Eye Infection
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 30 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 34 Cooldown 0
Blind: Accuracy reduced by 50% (2 turns)

Group 2
Dark Ghost Cloud
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 30 Accuracy 96
Stamina Cost 15 Cooldown 0
Group 2
Nature Great Metabolism
Single Ally Warm Up 0
Damage 0 Accuracy 100
Stamina Cost 16 Cooldown 1
Regeneration: Heals 20% of Life each turn (3 turns) Healing: Heals monster by 25% of his total life
Group 2
Physical Dazing Hit
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 40 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 21 Cooldown 1
Daze: Power and Accuracy reduced by 25% (3 turns)

Group 3
Dark Blackout
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 40 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 19 Cooldown 2
Group 3
Earth Rocks Shower
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 70 Accuracy 90
Stamina Cost 35 Cooldown 1
Group 3
Earth Mass Shield
Multiple Allies Warm Up 0
Damage 0 Accuracy 100
Stamina Cost 35 Cooldown 4
Shield: Absorbs incoming damage equal to 30% of monster's total life until depleted (2 turns)


  • Shares similar design with Tarzape and, formerly, Rockilla and Firekong.
  • Gorilla in its bio may refer to aforementioned Rockilla, in the time period when it was named Gorilla.