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Monster Legends Wiki

Status effects can be applied or removed by monster skills or battle items. Clicking the effect image will give full details about that effect.

Remove Positive Status Effects removes any positive effects from a monster while Remove Negative Status Effects will remove any negative effects.

Random Effects[]

A skill applying a random positive effect will only apply one of the following:
Positive Effects Protected (3 turns) Dodge Area (1 turn) Immune to Control (2 turns) Immune to Torture (3 turns) Evasion (1 turn) Damage Boost (3 turns) Double Damage (1 turn) Triple Damage (1 turn) 100% Damage Mirror (2 turns) Skill Mirror (1 turn) Cooldowns Immunity (3 turns) Trait Protection (3 turns)

A skill applying a random protection effect will only apply one of the following:
Positive Effects Protected (3 turns) Dodge Area (1 turn) Evasion (1 turn) 100% Damage Mirror (2 turns) Skill Mirror (1 turn) Cooldowns Immunity (3 turns) Trait Protection (3 turns) Damage Protection (2 turns) Botanophobic Shield (1 turn) Pyrophobic Shield (1 turn) Hydrophobic Shield (1 turn) Photophobic Shield (1 turn) Legendaryphobic Shield (1 turn)

A skill applying a random negative effect will only apply one of the following:
Minor Blind (3 turns) Blind (2 turns) Damage Reduction (2 turns) Major Damage Reduction (2 turns) Daze (3 turns) Guard Down (2 turns) Negate Healing (3 turns) Reverse Healing (3 turns) Shield Breaker (3 turns) Positive Effects Blocked (3 turns) Stamina Leak (3 turns) Maximum Stamina Decreased (3 turns)

A skill applying a random torture effect will only apply one of the following:
Bleed: Deals Dark damage equal to 10% of its total life each turn and reduces damage by 20% (3 turns) Burn: Inflicts Fire damage equal to 15% of its total life each turn (3 turns) Drowned: Deals low Water damage. Removes 15% of Stamina each turn Ignite: Inflicts Fire damage equal to 20% of its total life each turn (2 turns) Nightmares: Deals damage equal to 5% of its total life and removes 10% of stamina from it each turn (3 turns) Poison: Inflicts Nature damage equal to 10% of its total life each turn and reduced its power by 20% (4 turns) Quicksands: Inflicts Earth damage equal to 15% of its total life each turn (4 turns) Shock: Inflicts Thunder damage equal to 5% of its total life and blocks extra turn skills (3 turns) Sunburn: Inflicts low Light damage each turn Nanovirus: Deals low metal damage Curse: Removes 10% Life and Stamina (double on the next turn) Hellfire: Deals 10% Dark damage and removes 25% Precision. Damage and Blindness then double on each turn Electrified: Deals 15% Thunder damage and blocks the Area-Dodge effect Boiling: Deals 15% Water damage. Deals 10% Fire damage Bane: Deals 15%, 20%, or 25% magic damage on each turn Repentance: Deals 10% Light damage. Incoming attacks will always hit Toxins: Deals 15% Nature damage. Incoming damage will be increased by 50% Blood Covenant: Removes 20% of Life

A skill applying a random control effect will only apply one of the following:
Freeze: Monster loses its next turn and receives Water damage equal to 2% of its total life (1 turn) Possessed: Next turn will attack its teammates (1 or 2 turns) Stun: Monster loses its next turn (1 turn) Time Stop: Monster loses its next turn Baby Reversion: Monster loses its next turn but can't be targeted by skills (1 turn) Mega Freeze: Monster loses its next turn and receives Water damage equal to 2% of its total life (2 turns) Mega Stun: Monster loses its 2 next turns Mega Possession: Next turn will attack its teammates (2 turns) Mega Time Stop: Monster loses its 2 next turns Mega Baby Reversion: Monster loses its next turn but can't be targeted by skills (2 turns)

A skill applying a random mega control effect will only apply one of the following:
Mega Freeze: Monster loses its next turn and receives Water damage equal to 2% of its total life (2 turns) Mega Stun: Monster loses its 2 next turns Mega Possession: Next turn will attack its teammates (2 turns) Mega Time Stop: Monster loses its 2 next turns Mega Corrupted: Next turn will attack its teammates (2 turns)

A skill applying a random hater effect will only apply one of the following elemental hater effects:
Nature Hater: Deals triple damage against nature monsters Fire Hater: Deals triple damage against fire monsters Earth Hater: Deals triple damage against earth monsters Thunder Hater: Deals triple damage against thunder monsters Water Hater: Deals triple damage against water monsters Dark Hater: Deals triple damage against dark monsters Magic Hater: Deals triple damage against magic monsters Light Hater: Deals triple damage against light monsters Metal Hater: Deals triple damage against metal monsters

A skill applying a random elemental weakness will only apply one of the following:
Nature Weakness: Target receives more damage from Nature attacks (3 turns) Fire Weakness: Target receives more damage from Fire attacks (3 turns) Earth Weakness: Target receives more damage from Earth attacks (3 turns) Thunder Weakness: Target receives more damage from Thunder attacks (3 turns) Water Weakness: Target receives more damage from Water attacks (3 turns) Dark Weakness: Makes enemies very weak against Dark attacks (3 turns) Magic Weakness: Target receives more damage from Magic attacks (3 turns) Light Weakness: Target receives more damage from Light attacks (3 turns) Metal Weakness: Target receives more damage from Metal attacks (3 turns) Special Weakness: Target receives more damage from Special attacks (3 turns)

Negative Effects[]

These effects cause monsters to lose their turns or otherwise cause them to be unable to attack.

Effect Description Turns
Baby Reversion
Baby Reversion
Transforms target into baby. Monster will lose its next turn but it can't be targeted by skills. After effect is resolved, Recently Reversed: Immune to Baby Reversion is applied, making monster immune to baby reversion for 1 turn. 1
Cooldowns Activated
Cooldowns Activated
Activates all cooldowns on a monster's skills. Not an applied effect. -
Exclusive Possession. Monster will randomly select an available skill, special skill, or recharge. Skills targeting enemies will target allies, and skills targeting allies will target enemies. After effect is resolved, Recently Possessed: Immune to Possession is applied, making monster immune to possession/corrupted for 1 turn. 1
The monster loses their next turn. At the end of the turn there is a 50% chance of fear being reapplied for a further 1 turn; if not Recently Afraid: Immune to Fear is applied, making monster immune to fear for 1 turn. The monster can lose a maximum of 3 turns. 1
Monster loses its next turn and receives water damage equal to 2% of its total life. After effect is resolved, Recently Frozen: Immune to Freeze is applied, making monster immune to freeze for 1 turn. 1
Mega Baby Reversion
Mega Baby Reversion
Transforms target into baby. Monster will lose 2 turns and it can't be targeted by skills. After effect is resolved, Recently Reversed: Immune to Baby Reversion is applied, making monster immune to baby reversion for 1 turn. 2
Mega Corrupted
Mega Corrupted
Exclusive Possession. Monster will randomly select an available skill, special skill, or recharge. Skills targeting enemies will target allies, and skills targeting allies will target enemies. After effect is resolved, Recently Possessed: Immune to Possession is applied, making monster immune to possession/corrupted for 1 turn. 2
Mega Freeze
Mega Freeze
Monster loses its turn and receives water damage equal to 2% of its total life. After effect is resolved, Recently Frozen: Immune to Freeze is applied, making monster immune to freeze for 1 turn. 2
Mega Possession
Mega Possession
Monster will randomly select an available skill, special skill, or recharge. Skills targeting enemies will target allies, and skills targeting allies will target enemies. After effect is resolved, Recently Possessed: Immune to Possession is applied, making monster immune to possession/corrupted for 1 turn. 2
Mega Roots
Mega Roots
The monster loses its next turn and will receive all incoming attacks. After effect is resolved, Recently Rooted: Immune to Roots is applied, making monster immune to roots for 1 turn. 2
Mega Stun
Mega Stun
Monster loses its turn. After effect is resolved, Recently Stunned: Immune to Stun is applied, making monster immune to stun for 1 turn. 2
Mega Time Stop
Mega Time Stop
Monster loses its turn. After effect is resolved, Recently Time Stopped: Immune to Time Stop is applied, making monster immune to time stop for 1 turn. 2
Monster will randomly select an available skill, special skill, or recharge. Skills targeting enemies will target allies, and skills targeting allies will target enemies. After effect is resolved, Recently Possessed: Immune to Possession is applied, making monster immune to possession/corrupted for 1 turn. 1
The monster loses its next turn and will receive all incoming attacks. After effect is resolved, Recently Rooted: Immune to Roots is applied, making monster immune to roots for 1 turn. 1
Monster loses its turn. After effect is resolved, Recently Stunned: Immune to Stun is applied, making monster immune to stun for 1 turn. 1
Time Stop
Time Stop
Monster loses its turn. After effect is resolved, Recently Time Stopped: Immune to Time Stop is applied, making monster immune to time stop for 1 turn. 1
Exclusive Time Stop. Monster loses its turn. After effect is resolved, Recently Time Stopped: Immune to Time Stop is applied, making monster immune to time stop for 1 turn. 2

These effects cause damage over time.

Effect Description Turns
Deals 15%, 20%, or 25% magic damage on each turn. 3
Deals physical damage equal to 10% of its total life and reduces damage by 20%. 3
Blood Covenant
Blood Covenant
Removes 20% of total life. 3
Deals 15% Water damage. Deals 10% Fire damage. 3
Deals fire damage equal to 15% of its total life. 4
Deals magic damage equal to 10% of its total life life and drains 10% stamina (double on the next turn). 3
Deals water damage equal to 10% of its total life and drains 15% stamina. 3
Deals 15% Thunder damage and blocks the Area-Dodge effect. 3
Deals 5% Water damage each turn. It can be stacked. 3
Deals 10% Dark damage and removes 25% Precision. Damage and Blindness then double on each turn. 3
Deals fire damage equal to 20% of its total life. 2
Deals metal damage equal to 10% of its total life and blocks positive effects. 3
Deals dark damage equal to 10% of its total life and drains 10% of its stamina. 4
Deals nature damage equal to 10% of its total life and reduces damage by 20%. 4
Deals earth damage equal to 15% of its total life. 4
Deals 10% Light damage. Incoming attacks will always hit. 3
Deals thunder damage equal to 5% of its total life and blocks the ability to give extra turns. 3
Deals light damage equal to 10% of its total life and reduces accuracy by 15%. 3
Deals 15% Nature damage. Incoming damage will be increased by 50%. 3

These effects cause monsters to take more damage from attacks.

Effect Description Turns
Dark Weakness
Dark Weakness
Incoming dark damage is increased by 50%. 3
Earth Weakness
Earth Weakness
Incoming earth damage is increased by 50%. 3
Fire Weakness
Fire Weakness
Incoming fire damage is increased by 50%. 3
Incoming light damage is increased by 50%. 3
Light Weakness
Light Weakness
Incoming light damage is increased by 50%. 3
Magic Weakness
Magic Weakness
Incoming magic damage is increased by 50%. 3
Metal Weakness
Metal Weakness
Incoming metal damage is increased by 50%. 3
Nature Weakness
Nature Weakness
Incoming nature damage is increased by 50%. 3
Physical Weakness
Physical Weakness
Incoming physical damage is increased by 50%. 3
Random Element Weakness
Random Element Weakness
Applies a random element weakness effect. Not an applied effect. 3
Special Weakness
Special Weakness
Incoming special damage is increased by 50%. 3
Thunder Weakness
Thunder Weakness
Incoming thunder damage is increased by 50%. 3
Incoming damage is increased by 50%. 3
Water Weakness
Water Weakness
Incoming water damage is increased by 50%. 3

Effect Description Turns
Anticipation Disabled
Anticipation Disabled
Disables anticipation. 3
Back in Time
Back in Time
Monster is transformed into its younger state and damage is reduced by 40%. 3
Accuracy is reduced by 50%. 2
Incoming attacks always hit and healing is reduced by 50%. 3
Cursed Countdown
Cursed Countdown
Monster will die when the countdown is complete. 1-4
Cursed Totem
Cursed Totem
Life, damage, and stamina are reduced by 25%. 5
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction
Damage is reduced by 25%. 2
Damage and accuracy are reduced by 25%. 3
Guard Down
Guard Down
Incoming attacks always hit. 2
Half Healing
Half Healing
Healing is reduced by 50%. 2
Half Life
Half Life
Maximum life is reduced by 50%. 3
Major Damage Reduction
Major Damage Reduction
Monster's damage is reduced by 50%. 2
Maximum Stamina Decreased
Maximum Stamina Decreased
Decreases monster's maximum stamina by 50%. 3
Minor Blind
Minor Blind
Accuracy is reduced by 25%. 1
Negate Healing
Negate Healing
Monster cannot be healed. 3
Negative Effects Protected
Negative Effects Protected
Protects all the negative status effects applied except the status protection itself. 3
Pierce Disabled
Pierce Disabled
Disables Pierce. 3
Incoming attacks will always hit and healing effects will damage target instead of healing it. 3
Positive Effects Blocked
Positive Effects Blocked
Blocks all incoming positive effects. 3
Reverse Healing
Reverse Healing
Healing effects will damage the monster instead of healing. 3
Shield Breaker
Shield Breaker
Removes and blocks shields. 3
Speed is reduced by 25%. 2
Stamina Leak
Stamina Leak
Removes 15% of its total stamina. 3
Total Blind
Total Blind
Monster's accuracy is reduced by 100%. 1
Total Damage Reduction
Total Damage Reduction
Monster's damage is reduced by 100%. 1
Disables hardened, tough, and bulwark. 3
Trait Disabled
Trait Disabled
Removes monster's trait. 3

Positive Effects[]

These effects prevent monsters from receiving certain effects.

Effect Description Turns
Cooldowns Immunity
Cooldowns Immunity
Cooldowns cannot be activated by other skills. 3
Immune to Bleed
Immune to Bleed
Immunity to bleed. 3
Immune to Blind
Immune to Blind
Immunity to blind. 3
Immune to Burn
Immune to Burn
Immunity to burn. 3
Immune to Control
Immune to Control
Immunity to stun, mega stun, freeze, mega freeze, possession, mega possession, corrupted, mega corrupted, time stop, mega time stop, baby reversion, mega baby reversion, and roots. 1-3
Immune to Delayed Kill
Immune to Delayed Kill
Immunity to cursed countdown. 3
Immune to Daze
Immune to Daze
Immunity to daze. 3
Immune to Fear
Immune to Fear
Immunity to fear. 3
Immune to Freeze
Immune to Freeze
Immunity to freeze. 3
Immune to Nightmares
Immune to Nightmares
Immunity to nightmares. 3
Immune to Poison
Immune to Poison
Immunity to poison. 3
Immune to Possession and Corruption
Immune to Possession and Corruption
Immunity to possession and corruption. 3
Immune to Quicksand
Immune to Quicksand
Immunity to quicksand. 3
Immune to Stun
Immune to Stun
Immunity to stun. 3
Immune to Torture
Immune to Torture
Immunity to all torture effects- burn, ignite, poison, bleed, nightmares, quicksands, drowned, sunburn, shock, nanovirus, curse, hellfire, boiling, electrified, bane, repentance, and toxins. 3
Trait Protection
Trait Protection
Trait cannot be disabled. 3

These effects increase a monster's damage output.

Effect Description Turns
Abomination Hater
Abomination Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters with Abomination. 3
Anticipation Hater
Anticipation Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters with anticipation. 3
Artifact Hater
Artifact Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters with artifact. 3
Bleed Hater
Bleed Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters with bleeding. 3
Burn Hater
Burn Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters affected by burn. 3
Celestial Paradise Hater Deals triple damage against monsters in the Celestial Paradise Book. 3
Damage Boost
Damage Boost
Increases damage by 50%. 2 or 4
Damage Totem
Damage Totem
Deals double damage. 3
Dark Hater
Dark Hater
Deals triple damage against dark monsters. 3
Double Damage
Double Damage
Deals double damage. 1, 2, or 3
Dragon Hater
Dragon Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Dragon Book. 3
Earth Hater
Earth Hater
Deals triple damage against earth monsters. 3
Evil Legions Hater
Evil Legions Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Evil Legions Book. 3
Families Hater
Families Hater
Deals 200% damage against monsters in the Families Book. 3
Fire Hater
Fire Hater
Deals triple damage against fire monsters. 3
Freeze Hater
Freeze Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters affected by freeze or mega freeze. 3
Guard Down Hater
Guard Down Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters affected by guard down. 3
Light Hater
Light Hater
Deals triple damage against light monsters. 3
Magic Hater
Magic Hater
Deals triple damage against magic monsters. 3
Magic Council Hater
Magic Council Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters from the Magic Council Book. 3
Magic Weakness Hater
Magic Weakness Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters affected by magic weakness. 3
Mechanical Hater
Mechanical Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Mechanical Book. 3
Metal Hater
Metal Hater
Deals triple damage against metal monsters. 3
Minor Damage Boost
Minor Damage Boost
Deals 25% more damage. 3
Nature Hater
Nature Hater
Deals triple damage against nature monsters. 3
Nightmare Hater
Nightmare Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters affected by nightmares. 3
Pierce Hater
Pierce Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters with pierce. 3
Random Damage Buff
Random Damage Buff
Applies damage boost, double damage, or triple damage. Not an applied effect. -
Random Element Hater
Random Element Hater
Applies a random element hater effect. Not an applied effect. 3
Random Hater
Random Hater
Applies a random hater effect. Not an applied effect. 3
Righteous Court Hater
Righteous Court Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters from the Righteous Court Book. 3
Sea Hater
Sea Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Sea Book. 3
Shock Hater
Shock Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters affected by shock. 3
Spirits Hater
Spirits Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Spirits Book. 3
Star Sailors Hater
Star Sailors Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Star Sailors Book. 3
Stun Hater
Stun Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters affected by stun or mega stun. 3
Taunt Hater
Taunt Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters with taunt or mega taunt. 3
Thunder Hater
Thunder Hater
Deals triple damage against thunder monsters. 3
Triple Damage
Triple Damage
Deals triple damage. 1-3
Umbrella Hater
Umbrella Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters with hardened, tough, or bulwark. 3
Underworld Dwellers Hater
Underworld Dwellers Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Underworld Dwellers Book. 3
Villain Hater
Villain Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Villains Book. 3
Water Hater
Water Hater
Deals triple damage against water monsters. 3
Winged Hater
Winged Hater
Deals triple damage against monsters in the Winged Book. 3

These effects decrease or negate certain incoming damage.

Effect Description Turns
Absorbs damage until depleted. Cannot be removed by positive effects removal. 10
Botanophobic Shield
Botanophobic Shield
Ignores all incoming damage except nature damage. 2
Ignores all incoming damage. 1
Damage Protection
Damage Protection
Reduces incoming damage by 50%. 2
Dark Protection
Dark Protection
Reduces incoming dark damage by 50%. 3
Earth Protection
Earth Protection
Reduces incoming earth damage by 50%. 3
Ignores all incoming damage and negative effects. 1 or 2
Fire Protection
Fire Protection
Reduces incoming fire damage by 50%. 3
Hydrophobic Shield
Hydrophobic Shield
Ignores all incoming damage except water damage. 2
Immune to Earth
Immune to Earth
Immunity to earth damage. 2
Immune to Fire
Immune to Fire
Immunity to fire damage. 2
Immune to Dark
Immune to Dark
Immunity to dark damage. 2
Immune to Light
Immune to Light
Immunity to light damage. 2
Immune to Magic
Immune to Magic
Immunity to magic damage. 2
Immune to Metal
Immune to Metal
Immunity to metal damage. 2
Immune to Nature
Immune to Nature
Immunity to nature damage. 2
Immune to Special
Immune to Special
Immunity to special damage. 2
Immune to Thunder
Immune to Thunder
Immunity to thunder damage. 2
Immune to Water
Immune to Water
Immunity to water damage. 2
Legendaryphobic Shield
Legendaryphobic Shield
Ignores all incoming damage except special damage. 2
Light Protection
Light Protection
Reduces incoming light damage by 50%. 3
Magic Protection
Magic Protection
Reduces incoming magic damage by 50%. 3
Metal Protection
Metal Protection
Reduces incoming metal damage by 50%. 3
Nature Protection
Nature Protection
Reduces incoming nature damage by 50%. 3
Ignores all incoming damage. 1
Photophobic Shield
Photophobic Shield
Ignores all incoming damage except light damage. 2
Pyrophobic Shield
Pyrophobic Shield
Ignores all incoming damage except fire damage. 2
Space Time
Space Time
Ignores all incoming damage. 1
Special Protection
Special Protection
Reduces incoming special damage by 50%. 3
Thunderphobic Shield
Thunderphobic Shield
Ignores all incoming damage except thunder damage. 2
Thunder Protection
Thunder Protection
Reduces incoming thunder damage by 50%. 3
Water Protection
Water Protection
Reduces incoming water damage by 50%. 3

These effects increase or restore a monster's life.

Effect Description Turns
Double Healing
Double Healing
Doubles any healing values. 3
Double Life
Double Life
Doubles current and maximum life. 2
Healing Wind
Healing Wind
Heals 10% of total life. 10
Increased Healing
Increased Healing
Increases healing values by 50%. 3
Life Totem
Life Totem
Increases current and maximum life by 75%. 6
Maximum Life Increased
Maximum Life Increased
Increases maximum life by 50%. 3
Heals 20% of total life. 3
Steal Life
Steal Life
Heals life equal to 50%, 60%, or 100% to damage dealt. Not an applied effect. -

Effect Description Turns
When an enemy performs a skill with an extra turn, monster performs an extra turn just before. 3
Blessed Totem: 25% Life, Damage, and Stamina increase
Blessed Totem
Life, damage, and stamina increased by 25%. 3
Cold Blood
Cold Blood
Skills will pierce through taunt and mega taunt. 3
Cooldowns Deactivated
Cooldowns Deactivated
Deactivates all cooldowns on all monster's skills. Not an applied effect. -
Damage Mirror
Damage Mirror
Deals a percentage (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) of the damage back to the attacker. 1 or 3
Dodge Area
Dodge Area
Will evade all area skills. 1 or 2
Extra Turn
Extra Turn
Grants an immediate, extra turn. Not an applied effect. -
Increases speed by 20%. 2
Maximum Stamina Increased
Maximum Stamina Increased
Doubles monster's maximum Stamina. 3
Mega Taunt
Mega Taunt
Receives all damage and status from enemy attacks (even area attacks). 3
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Reflects all incoming attacks to enemy, except physical attacks. 1-2
Skills will pierce through defensive status effects (Evasion, Mirrors, Shields, Taunts, Dodge Area...) 2
Positive Effects Protected
Positive Effects Protected
Prevents all other positive effects from being removed. 3
Resurrection Block
Resurrection Block
Enemy team won't be able to resurrect. 3
Gives a shield that absorbs incoming damage. Shield strength is equal to a percentage of monster's total life. 2
Gives a shield that absorbs incoming damage. Shield strength is equal to a percentage of monster's total life. 2
Skill Mirror
Skill Mirror
Reflects all incoming attacks to enemy. 1, 2, or 3
Speed Totem
Speed Totem
Increases speed by 7%. 6
Stamina Regeneration
Stamina Regeneration
Restores 20% of total stamina. 3
Stamina Regeneration
Stamina Regeneration
Restores 20% of total stamina. 3
Stamina Totem
Stamina Totem
Increases total stamina by 50%. 3
All incoming, single-target attacks are directed toward monster. 2
True Vision
True Vision
Doubles Precision. 3
Zen Meditation
Zen Meditation
Meditates for one turn and deals 90 fire damage to all enemies on the next turn. 1
