The Team Zeppelin is where players can join or create a team to make new allies and reach a new experience level. Teams allow players to participate in Team Wars to get exclusive monsters.
The Team Zeppelin becomes unlocked at player level 16 and must be rebuilt by spending 1k gold. Construction takes 1 minute.
Once in a team, players can be assigned one of three ranks:
- Soldier: standard team member
- Co-leader: able to start wars
- Leader: highest rank - only one leader allowed
My Team[]
My Profile[]
Players can view their Multiplayer stats and current ranking, team information, and basic information of all their monsters.
Team Leagues[]
Displays the leagues, their requirements, and seasons rewards:
My Team/Team Rankings/Search Teams[]
Listing of all current team members, the team's trophies, ranking, and league, and the team's history in recent Team Wars and Races.
Can view the current rankings of all teams. Can also search for teams.
Team Events[]
Here players can participate in any ongoing Team Wars or Team Battlegrounds.
Team Shop[]
Exclusive monsters and monster cells are available for purchase in the Team Shop. These offers can only be purchased using and and rotate regularly.
See Team Shop for full details.
Players can view the rankings of teams across Monster Legends and search for new teams.
Teams may be open, allowing anyone to join, or they may be private, requiring approval by a Leader or Co-leader. Teams may restrict who can join based on a player's Monster Power.