Monster Legends Wiki
Monster Legends Wiki

In an army where every soldier looks and does the same, Wangzhou had always wanted to stand out. Instead of duty, it was glory that mattered to him. Fayemalice knew this and also that, whatever their differences, if she recruited Wangzhou, the rest of the Army would have to follow. She Corrupted him and, in exchange, she made him promise he would put the entire Terracotta Army at The Lord's service. Afterwards, Yaoguai Wangzhou would be free to seek his own glory.

Stats and Information[]

At the monster's highest level at each rank:

25 Power 25 Life 25 Speed 25 Stamina
30 7,920 89,273 6,358 180
30 9,720 111,203 7,152 200
30 11,700 136,584 7,982 220
30 13,230 164,786 8,848 240
30 15,525 196,336 9,750 260
30 18,720 250,342 10,976 280
Trait(s) Icono oro Max GPM
30 Hardened: All status effects have 20% less accuracy against it 364
30 Hardened: All status effects have 20% less accuracy against itImmune to Triggered Death 400
30 Hardened: All status effects have 20% less accuracy against itImmune to Triggered Death 436
30 Hardened: All status effects have 20% less accuracy against itImmune to Triggered DeathStatus Caster - Area Stamina Leak: Removes 15% stamina each turn 473
30 Hardened: All status effects have 20% less accuracy against itImmune to Triggered DeathStatus Caster - Area Stamina Leak: Removes 15% stamina each turn 509
30 Hardened: All status effects have 20% less accuracy against itImmune to Triggered DeathStatus Caster - Area Stamina Leak: Removes 15% stamina each turn 546
Book(s) Relic(s) Role
Evil LegionsVillainsCorrupted EraFury Dojo MaskAmulet Control
20 Price 20 Exp 20 Sell 20 Breed 20 Hatch
N/A 35,000 10,000 N/A 2d 2h



Heart Vanoss2099

  • First released as a free Legends Pass reward (April 2, 2021)


Special For The Army!
Multiple Enemies Warm Up -
Damage 0 Accuracy 120
Stamina Cost - Cooldown -
Mega Possession: Next turn will attack its teammates (2 turns) Stamina Drain: Removes 100% of the monster's total stamina Maximum Stamina Decreased: Decreases maximum stamina by 50% (3 turns) Curse: Removes 10% Life and Stamina (double on the next turn) (3 turns)
Metal Salute Your Emperor
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 40 Accuracy 100
Stamina Cost 25 Cooldown 0
Metal Metal And Terracotta
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 20 Accuracy 100
Stamina Cost 30 Cooldown 0
Stamina Leak: Removes 15% Stamina each turn (3 turns)

Group 1
Metal Corrupted Warrior
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 40 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 36 Cooldown 1
Curse: Removes 10% Life and Stamina (double on the next turn) (3 turns) Possessed: Next turn will attack its teammates (1 turn)
Group 1
Metal Thirst For Glory
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 35 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 30 Cooldown 0
Stamina Drain: Removes 50% of the monster's total stamina

Group 2
Metal Er Jing
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 0
Damage 30 Accuracy 90
Stamina Cost 42 Cooldown 2
Curse: Removes 10% Life and Stamina (double on the next turn) (3 turns) Stamina Leak: Removes 15% Stamina each turn (3 turns)
Group 2
Metal Unwavering Discipline
Single Enemy Warm Up 0
Damage 40 Accuracy 95
Stamina Cost 38 Cooldown 2
Stamina Drain: Removes 100% of the monster's total stamina Possessed: Next turn will attack its teammates (1 turn)

Group 3
Metal The Emperor's Room
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 1
Damage 25 Accuracy 90
Stamina Cost 48 Cooldown 3
Possessed: Next turn will attack its teammates (1 turn)
Group 3
Metal Er Meng
Multiple Enemies Warm Up 1
Damage 30 Accuracy 90
Stamina Cost 48 Cooldown 3
Stamina Drain: Removes 100% of the monster's total stamina Curse: Removes 10% Life and Stamina (double on the next turn) (3 turns)


  • "Yaoguai" ( 妖怪) is Chinese for “monster”.
  • Skill "Er Meng" references Wangzhou's skill of the same name.
  • Design is inspired by the Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China (of the Qin dynasty).
  • Wangzhou was the most powerful of the thousand terracotta soldiers in the tomb. He was the most difficult for Qinling to wake up, as his metal made it difficult for the magic to sink in.
  • During the Corrupted Era, Wangzhou summoned the Eastern Kingdoms' spirit defender Chi Ao Loong, to attempt to use him against his opponent armies.
  • Yaoguai Wangzhou made a deal with Fayemalice to corrupt him and his two most important faction members, Kurai Kage and Jaakuna Hi. In exchange, after one day's grace to seize control of the Terracotta Army and the throne of the Eastern Kingdoms, they had to lend their forces to the service of Lord Nebotus for a time.
  • Yaoguai Wangzhou made a deal with General Thetys, to take her hand in marriage and share his rule with her in exchange for the backing of the Water Kingdom's rebel army, during the Abyssal Era. She ultimately reneged on her deal and backed out, leading to Wangzhou's ultimate dethroning from the Eastern Kingdoms.
  • Dark-uma was once Wangzhou's childhood toy, which he used his fortified magics to bring to life as a servant genie.
  • Jaakuna Hi is Wangzhou's trusted counselor.
  • Among his permanent forces are Kurai Kage, Mortal Ming, Pig-kin and Raitosama. Many others who have fought on Wangzhou's side are paid mercenaries or temporary alliances.
  • Kenecro was once one of Wangzhou's army, but sold his secrets to mercenaries, causing Wangzhou to curse him with an eternally burning flame.